UX/UI, website
UX/UI for, an integrated digital project to help young people with difficulties. The main tool of the website is Samo Iskalnik, an interactive quiz for self-discovery. The quiz helps a young person learn about their problems through reading about the problems of their peers and leads them to existing online content or a counseling center, where they can get professional help.
All visuals on the website were generated with AI on the Midjourney platform.
UX/UI za projekt, celostni digitalni projekt za pomoč mladim z duševnimi stiskami. Glavno orodje spletne strani je Samo Iskalnik, interaktivni kviz za iskanje samega sebe, ki na igrificiran način pomaga mladi osebi, da spozna svoje težave – se najde v izpovedih vrstnikov – in jo odpelje do obstoječe vsebine na spletu ali svetovalnice, kjer lahko pride do strokovne pomoči.
Vsi vizuali na spletni strani so bili generirani na AI platformi Midjourney.